Experienced Home Security Solutions

Back in the day, houses in Texas were built on post and beam foundations. This type of system was used due to the clay terrain, which allowed the building to move without endangering the entire building. If your house is old, it probably needs professional Pier and Beam Foundation Repair.

Column foundations due to long standing in wet soil and due to soil movement can become uneven or start to sink, which causes instability of the entire building. Also, if the drainage is inadequate, the water can cause the wooden foundations of the columns to begin to rot, which also poses the risk of the entire building collapsing.

Pier And Beam Foundation Repair

In order to secure your house or another building and prevent it from deteriorating, it is best to call professionals who will successfully solve any problem that has arisen on your foundation. They will install a steel-reinforced concrete foundation that is poured into the ground beneath the beam and column structures. In this way, your foundation will become strong again and most importantly stable, which will give your house complete security. And not only will your house be stable and safe again, this kind of foundation will last for many years to come, so you won’t have to wonder if your house is safe from collapse.

Depending on which system the columns and beams were installed, each repair will depend, which is unique for each foundation.

If you notice that your house is starting to bow or the walls are cracking, call the experts at Pier and Beam Foundation Repair right away and let them restore stability and security to your home.